March 31, 2008

Dunbar Village Campaign Gains Momentum & Visibility

The NAACP so far appears to show less media savvy that Al Sharpton. Sharpton tried for a pre-emptive strike by inviting bloggers to his radio show in an attempt to get out in front of the story. Thus far, the NAACP does not appear to have made any official, on the record response regarding their involvement in the Dunbar case. This is a mistake and shows old media thinking. While they dawdle in a case where the facts are so clear, momentum for the campaign is growing and with 20+ blog outlets giving it coordinated messaging, its going to bubble up into MSM awareness.

Here is just some of the attention it has garnered thus far:
The Baltimore Sun
The Chicago Tribune
The Houston Chronicle
News (Springfield MO)

These articles and more won't be the end of it if there is not a reversal of course.