August 23, 2008

His Brother's Keeper?

There have been some stories making the rounds in the blogosphere about Obama's failure to make good on a commitment to help a school named after him in Kenya, his father's birthplace. A related story has been the charge that Obama has left his brother, George Obama, to live in squalor and poverty in Kenya.

On the school thing, I advise the Obama campaign to get in front of it and neuter the story by writing a check or put some volunteers or somebody on to creating some opportunities for the school. You can assign some volunteers to work on it and move on, but that way, people can't keep trying to put a hit job on you with it.

With regard to his brother, George, first off, I just want to know if the Cain is being asked about whether he is supporting all his poor relations (poor meaning they make less than $5 million). Its a ridiculous standard of behavior. Obama is not responsible for supporting his brother. More importantly, the suggestion that George Obama is living in squalor appears to be a total exaggeration. George himself has rejected this criticism of his brother and the characterization of his life.

"I was brought up well. I live well even now," he said. "The magazines, they have exaggerated everything.

"I think I kind of like it here. There are some challenges, but maybe
it is just like where you come from, there are the same challenges,"
Obama said."