Hat tip
Shortform blog:
On race relations:
- 58% of Americans thought Obama would change race relations before his inauguration
- 41% of Americans say he's actually improved race relations in his first full year in office source
- Where was the freefall? Strangely enough, it was largest among other blacks. While white voters dipped to about 40 percent from 55 percent, blacks were at 75 percent a year ago, free-falling to 51 percent – a 24-point decline.
Little newsflash to my disappointed brothers and sisters; it's not Obama's job to solve all your problems in life. Its not his job to solve "racism" to the extent such a thing is solvable. Anybody that thought his election would magically heal the divisions between black, red, white, brown and yellow was criminally deluded. Perhaps this disappointment that some feel is a good thing that will spur some people out there to solve their own problems, now that they realize Obama won't.