I've been away from the keyboard for a bit, trying to restore some additional order to the chaos that is life. Being away for extended periods without any commentary is bad blogging though. Sometimes a brief word or two is all it takes to keep the blog fires burning, so lets have a few.
On the GOP nomination race

Other Contenders: There is talk of Chris Christie or Ryan getting into the race. We'll make some more predictions there too: neither Christie nor Ryan will run.
On Leaving Obama
A significant and growing portion of people out there who regard themselves as progressives are feeling truly disaffected from Obama by the day. Calls for a primary challenger to him for the nomination have begun to sound on the left and those calls may grow even louder. Its an interesting phenomenon, but whats really blowing me away is the vociferous grass roots reaction to criticism of Obama that has been opened up on black politicians and opinion leaders by regular black folk, occasionally amplified by celebrity. Maxine Waters is finding herself in the crossfire. Nasty criticisms have shown up on line of her for criticizing the president, leveled by black folk. The pushback is hard and nasty enough that Waters even bleats about getting beat up for talking critically about the president (hear it at 4:17 in this video clip). Usual suspects Cornel West and Tavis Smiley recently got called Uncle Toms by Steve Harvey, who criticized their so called Poverty Tour, which just rolled through Columbus, Mississippi.
I could go on a whole long rant about the so called Poverty Tour, but I'm just trying to hit it and quit it today. So I'll simply say that while I can applaud West and Smiley for getting out on the hustings to raise issues, the poverty tour aims too low. They essentially accuse the president of being too timid and too captured by the oligarchic forces of the financial elites to truly address poverty with any of the left's progressive prescriptions. They actually have a point. Where I think they run clean off the rails is wasting time barnstorming around the country to talk about how the government ought to do more, when they could instead be helping create the infrastructure and momentum for a starfish structured, Tea Party of the Left, that would have a disruptive effect on the Democratic party like the Tea Party has had on the GOP. Cornell and Tavis, I invite you to read my excellent post on building a disruptive Tea Party of the Left. I advocate it not because I buy into progressive policy approaches, but because if West and Smiley are going to go out advocating for something to be done about poverty, it should be more ambitious than simply trying to get a larger group of people to beg for government intervention in their lives. Tea Party folk are all about dictating to the government, not the other way around. The Poverty Tour suffers from a poverty of vision and thats just plain ridiculous when you have West and Smiley heading it up. They have little excuse in my book to underperform so severely, notwithstanding their status as irretrievably liberal progressives.