So far, I like Elizabeth Warren. I love the fact that she's an educated voice that calls out the financial sector for their robber baron behavior and points out the fact that the financial sector is the most heavily taxpayer subsidized industry on the planet. The GOP excoriates her, but their criticisms have been over the top and at times, outright fabrications, such as the widely circulated video of capitol hill testimony where she was portrayed as too arrogant to answer questions from Congress when in fact, it was GOP congressmen who were being complete asses in their handling of her testimony. I'd be really impressed if she'd aim some well deserved criticism at the administration for the way in which they are sold out to the banking sector, but that may yet come.
Her articulation of the social contract here I don't find very much to argue with. In three short months, she's made herself a player in the Massachusetts Senate race. Scott Brown, watch your back.