February 20, 2008

The Race to the Bottom Has Begun

The great race to the bottom of the gutter has begun in earnest. As Obama surges, Clinton fights for her political life and McCain moves to secure his flank and range on the democratic frontrunner, the smearfest, negative gutter politics is starting to come thick and fast.

We got it kicked off with silly plagiarism charges against Obama. Next, Michelle Obama makes a rookie mistake with her language at a campaign event and ends up in the crosshairs of a Michelle hates America narrative. Then comes word that mega buck Clinton supporters are creating a 527 organization to support Clinton and attack Obama in TX, OH, and PA, essentially democrats swiftboating themselves. And before we can even catch our breath, the NYT issues a hit job on John McCain alleging marital infidelity and favors traded with an alleged lobbyist paramour with NO proof, hard facts, soft facts or indeed any facts at all.

These are the gutter politics Americans are sick and tired of.