February 10, 2009

Netflix CEO to President Obama: "Please Raise My Taxes"

Netflix CEO to President Obama: "Please Raise My Taxes"

My father would say "he must be on dogfood".  I am a loyal and happy Netflix subscriber and I happen to think Hastings is a great guy, but this is an inordinately stupid thing to say, and more importantly, he does not really mean it.

Hastings makes a million dollars a year, but the bottom line is that he doesn't really mean he wants the government to take half of that hard earned money right off the top.  And while my fellow brethren think Obama wants all the money and the first born too, we are never going to have fifty percent taxation, so it does not even have the cache of being a bold thing to say.  He's never going to have to do it, so there is no downside to being ridiculous in this fashion.

Exit thought: Reed, if you're really that pumped to give up half your dough for the good of the country, why don't you just send the $500k my way.  I'll put it to good use stimulating the economy.